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Manufacturer Distribution Arrangements

Manufacturer Distribution Arrangements Tender support & supply Managed Access Programs Unlicensed Medicines & Specials Supply Comparator Sourcing for Clinical Trials International Sourcing & Supply Reference Listed Drug Supply We specialise in working with manufacturers to assist in the sales and distribution of their products in emerging or difficult to reach markets through utilising our trusted […]
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Tender support and supply

Manufacturer Distribution Arrangements Tender support & supply Managed Access Programs Unlicensed Medicines & Specials Supply Comparator Sourcing for Clinical Trials International Sourcing & Supply Reference Listed Drug Supply We are named suppliers to a number of Ministry of Health departments as well as non-governmental organisations. Our long term business partnerships with manufactures and validated suppliers […]
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Unlicensed Medicines & Specials Supply

Manufacturer Distribution Arrangements Tender support & supply Managed Access Programs Unlicensed Medicines & Specials Supply Comparator Sourcing for Clinical Trials International Sourcing & Supply Reference Listed Drug Supply If a product without a marketing authorisation (MA) in the UK is needed, we are able to use our international network of suppliers to efficiently source the […]
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Comparator Sourcing for Clinical Trials

Manufacturer Distribution Arrangements Tender support & supply Managed Access Programs Unlicensed Medicines & Specials Supply Comparator Sourcing for Clinical Trials International Sourcing & Supply Reference Listed Drug Supply Contact us 30 Aperfield road (UK) Bigginhill Westerham, Kent 6 +44 1959 928 913 Mon to Fri – 9:00 to 6:00 (Sunday Closed) We aim to […]
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International Sourcing & Supply

Manufacturer Distribution Arrangements Tender support & supply Managed Access Programs Unlicensed Medicines & Specials Supply Comparator Sourcing for Clinical Trials International Sourcing & Supply Reference Listed Drug Supply Whether the requirement is for long term supply of a product or to source a medicine to meet market shortages Pharmatopia are able to use our global […]
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Reference Listed Drug Supply

Manufacturer Distribution Arrangements Tender support & supply Managed Access Programs Unlicensed Medicines & Specials Supply Comparator Sourcing for Clinical Trials International Sourcing & Supply Reference Listed Drug Supply Reference Listed Drug (RLD) is an approved drug product to which new generic versions are compared to show that they are bioequivalent. A drug company seeking approval […]
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